
This blog is by an Estonian discovering her childhood dream country Canada. Based in Toronto, but sometimes traveling. Looking for an Estonian connection in the far away country and giving away tips about what to see, what to do, what to experience. Hence the name of the blog: Toronto. Canada. Estonia.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Lock is stuck!

It has been quite busy for some time, as I have been here and there. All was great until yesterday when I was trying to get home, but my bike didn't think so, or I should say that my lock wasn't co-operating. With heavy heart I had to leave the bike there for the night and try to figure out the solution tomorrow. It was actually easy, as the people of Estonian House had the tool needed for the job, so I was forced to give up my good U-lock, but my bike was freed and I could go to places again. Thanks!


  1. :D kas see on see sama lugu, mis sa fotoringis rääkisid?

  2. Eip, see oli siis kui mul jäi lukk lukku ja võti ette :D
    Muudmoodi ei saanudki lahti, kui pidi ära saagima.
    Fotoringi loos ma lõikasin ise tangidega luku lahti ;)
