
This blog is by an Estonian discovering her childhood dream country Canada. Based in Toronto, but sometimes traveling. Looking for an Estonian connection in the far away country and giving away tips about what to see, what to do, what to experience. Hence the name of the blog: Toronto. Canada. Estonia.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Spinach stew

We went to visit Katre at her rental apartment, that she is sharing with Kim and Mike, her two super awesome Canadian roomies. Evelyn brought a spinach stew, which her auntie, who was visiting over, made. It was kind of chilly for me, as I am not used to hot foods yet. 

Fun fact is we watched one of  the most known and loved film at their place called "Suvi" (Summer) and Mike fell asleep while watching. Hehehe, we Estonians, I mean me and Katre were of course surprised. Clash of cultures! :D

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