
This blog is by an Estonian discovering her childhood dream country Canada. Based in Toronto, but sometimes traveling. Looking for an Estonian connection in the far away country and giving away tips about what to see, what to do, what to experience. Hence the name of the blog: Toronto. Canada. Estonia.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Estonian-Canadians photo project

Few months for now I have been having a little side project on my own - a photography project of portraying and interviewing dozen of local Estonian-Canadians. I do not want to tell so much about it yet, now when it is just at the beginning phase. I have met some great people who have had such a hard time while making it to Canada from Estonia with their families. I chose them out just on my own that they had done something amazing in my eyes. 

Evelyn Koop was one of the people I took portraits of. She is so-called the grandmother of gymnastics. The things she shared were amazing. She had done and seen so much and all the hard work she had put into...I was amazed. Her portrait also turned out quite great.

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